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【CES 2025】 |
科技界年度最大盛事,今日讓媒體提前採訪與宣傳 |
| 這週舉行2025年美國消費性電子展(CES,Consumer Electronics Show),將於1月7日至10日在美國拉斯維加斯盛大舉行;這是全球最大規模的消費性電子展,由美國消費者技術協會(CTA)主辦,吸引來自全球約150國、超過4000家廠商參與。今年亮眼主題,將展示人工智慧、汽車、機器人、擴增實境和虛擬實境等最新技術。 |
| CES 2025主辦單位於美國時間1月5日,提早二天開放給媒體人士採訪,並且預計每天都會有大量新聞和發布消息。正式展會從1月7開始,至今已有多項重大消息公佈。今年主要贊助廠商為Panasonic,還有自芯片巨頭Nvidia、AMD和Intel它們都計劃推出下一代桌上型電腦、筆記型電腦及行動處理器,主要聚焦遊戲、生產力以及人工智慧領域。Samsung推出刷新率高達500Hz的OLED顯示器、新的經濟型手機以及健身追蹤器;同時,韓國LG發表LG G5與M5 OLED電視,亮度大幅提升並新增AI功能。此外,Lenovo也有望在本屆展會上揭曉全球首款「可卷曲」筆記型電腦。 |
本屆會展以AI為主軸,搭配永續發展、新創與創新等熱門議題,現場有展覽、展演、演講等各種大型活動。輝達(NVIDIA)執行長黃仁勳將於臺灣時間7日上午10時30分發表主題演講,預計成為本次會展亮點。 |
CES 2025: Highlights of the Biggest Tech Event of the Year |
CES 2025 is undoubtedly the biggest tech event of the year, and we’re expecting an avalanche of news and announcements each day from the show floor. This event will Demonstrate the latest products and innovations across sectors from AI to EVs as well as other areas. |
Several big announcements have already been made, even before the show officially begins. Panasonic is the major sponsor for this event. Perhaps the big events will come from chip giants Nvidia, AMD, and Intel — all set to reveal the next generation of desktop, laptop, and mobile processors designed for gaming, productivity, and AI. We've also seen multiple new pairs of smart glasses debut, including one featuring an invisible display. |
Samsung has unveiled OLED displays with a massive 500Hz refresh rate, a new budget smartphone, and a fitness tracker. Meanwhile, South Korean LG has launched the LG G5 and M5 OLED TVs, boasting significant brightness improvements and new AI features. Additionally, Lenovo is expected to showcase the world’s first "rollable" laptop at this year’s show. |
Starting Monday, January 6, expect the biggest names in tech to showcase next-gen TVs, smart home innovations, and cutting-edge AR and VR solutions. Stay tuned for the latest updates here or visit the CES 2025 hub page for more in-depth. |