【CES 2025】新創公司與知名企業創新

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【CES 2025】新創公司與知名企業創新 若看不見郵件請和我們聯絡 (02)2549-0549 

【CES 2025】
CES Unveiled 2025 在美國時間1月5日下午舉辦「新創與創新展示」,參展廠商有新創公司和知名企業創新單位等,數百家廠商參展。會場布置很重視「永續」元素,每家參展者以長方桌、高腳圓桌來放置展示品,背景以黑色布幕,再搭配易拉展或電視架,以降低一次性使用的場地佈置材料。
相當受人矚目的創新AI機器人:Jizai的「Mi-Mo」,在2025 CES Unveiled展會上,一款看似來自科幻世界的AI機器人「Mi-Mo」吸引眾多目光。這是由日本機器人公司Jizai設計,「Mi-Mo」被稱為首款「可定制的通用型AI機器人」。這款AI驅動的機器人以六條帶木質裝飾的金屬腿行走,並以柔和的揮手向旁觀者致意,宛如一盞可以移動的燈具。
本屆CES Unveiled充分展示AI的無所不在,從耳機到大型機器人,各種產品均內嵌AI功能。其中,SkyTed的AI降噪耳機成為亮點,憑藉雙向麥克風和強大的AI降噪功能,即使在擁擠的環境中也能清晰傳達聲音。
機器人融入日常生活,已經逐漸成為事實。在過去,很多人對機器人持懷疑態度,而現在則將其視為生活好夥伴。如今,AI技術的進步,讓機器人變得更加實用和人性化。CES Unveiled展示多款實用與可愛的機器人,能夠進行自然語言交流和記憶上下文。這些新型機器人代表了機器人技術的新高度。
另外,日本麒麟集團的電子鹽湯勺,非常受到好評,這是日本知名飲料公司麒麟啤酒(Kirin Holdings)推出一款革命性的「電子鹽湯勺」透過弱電流集中食物中的鈉離子,增強低鈉食品的鹹味和鮮味;旨在幫助全球消費者降低鈉攝取量,尤其是日本人鹽份攝取量較多。該產品不僅科技感十足,還滿足健康需求,引來眾多參觀者排隊試吃。
CES Unveiled 2025不僅展示新創公司和知名企業的創新能力,也讓我們看到AI、智能眼鏡、機器人等科技,在未來生活中的潛力。這些創新成果,充分顯示科技改善我們的日常生活,同時也為全球電子消費品市場帶來無限可能。
CES 2025 Innovations from Startups and Renowned Companies
On January 5, 2025, CES Unveiled hosted its "Startup and Innovation Showcase" in the United States, featuring hundreds of exhibitors ranging from innovative startups to famous listed companies ‘ innovation units. The venue highlighted sustainability, with each exhibitor using rectangular tables or high round tables for displays, black backdrops, and reusable materials such as roll-up banners or TV stands to minimize single-use decorations.
One of the most eye-catching innovations at CES Unveiled 2025 was "Mi-Mo," a futuristic AI-powered robot designed by the Japanese robotics company Jizai. Billed as the world’s first "customizable General-Purpose AI robot," Mi-Mo captivated attendees with its unique design. The robot moves gracefully on six wood-adorned metal legs, greeting passersby with gentle waves—resembling a mobile lamp straight out of a sci-fi movie.
Smart glasses also played a major role in this year’s event. Meta’s Ray-Ban smart glasses series, along with other new models, took center stage. These glasses are equipped with heads-up displays, XR functionalities, and AI-powered environmental scanning capabilities. After years of development, smart glasses have finally reached a stage where they are ready for mass adoption.
Robots are gradually integrating into everyday life. Once met with skepticism, robots are now seen as practical and friendly companions. Advances in AI have made robots more useful and human-like. CES Unveiled featured a variety of functional and charming robots capable of natural language interactions and contextual memory, representing a new height in robotic technology.
Projectors are emerging as a strong contender against traditional TVs, thanks to their affordability and portability. Short-throw and pocket-sized projectors drew significant attention at the event, particularly models capable of projecting real-time makeup effects onto walls. These innovations showcased the immense potential of projection technology in home entertainment and beyond.
Another crowd favorite was the Electronic Salt Spoon, introduced by Japan’s Kirin Holdings, a company best known for its beverages. This groundbreaking spoon uses weak electric currents to concentrate sodium ions in food, enhancing the saltiness and umami flavors of low-sodium dishes. Designed to help reduce global sodium intake—particularly in Japan, where salt consumption exceeds World Health Organization recommendations—this innovative device is both health-focused and highly advanced, attracting long lines of visitors eager to try it.
CES Unveiled 2025 not only highlighted the innovative capabilities of startups and renowned companies but also showcased the potential of technologies like AI, smart glasses, and robotics in shaping the future of everyday life. These groundbreaking innovations underscore the transformative power of technology, offering endless possibilities for the global consumer electronics market.ket.


